By oneself evil is not done, by oneself one becomes a saint anyway.
Holy or unholy depending on himself; no one can purify another person
(Dhammapada XII, 9)
Some of us believe that a sin can be eradicated by doing certain ritual or certain thing or maybe believe some doctrine. But in the real world there is no such thing. We will eventually pay our sin, cash in exact amount. "How this thing can be happen then ?" some of us ask this to me. The answer is simple because we bound to "Law of Kamma". So, based in this concept we only inherit our own kamma so, no one can give a holly tittle or lift our bad kamma.
This concept is the hardest concept to be accepted, because our human nature always searching a scape goat for our misfortunes. Some of us still think that there is a superior being that will give us misfortune if we not doing as He want. I don't say there is not, but He didn't give us the misfortune, we are the one that make it. Then, how about misfortune that happen even we have done all good things, some of us said that He gave us a trial, to see our faith. That kind of god is so cruel. We, Buddhists said that our bad kamma reached it's maturation.
"So, we can not ask for help ?" according to the text, we can't, but there is a lot of superior beings than us, human that will help us because they have a vow, one of Their vow is "I will not reach nibbana until hell is empty". This vow was said by Ksitigarbha boddhisatva and there is more of Them. All of their names were listed in a Maha Karuna Dharani. The most famous of them is Avalokitesvara Boddhisatva. She appeared in many form, but the most well known form is in a lady form that wear a white robe and carry a bottle and she sit on a Lotus.
So what do you believe ?

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