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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Food chain

Several years ago, when I was in medical school, I have no idea what kind of job that a doctor do. I used to think that became one are so noble yet precious. Time passed and people changed, I knew that we have unseen enemies out there. Name it, Nurses, Midwifes, The specialists, Lawyer and the worst of all is mass media. Become a medical doctor in my country is like enter a giant jungle. Yes, You would prefer to become the top of food chain of course, in this case The specialists are the one. How about the Nurses and the Midwifes ? Well, in my opinion, they are just a hyena, hunt in a pack and prey some weak and helpless enemy (poor patients). and The Lawyer ? Well, They are just the Herring bird waiting some doctor made a mistake and they strip them to their bones, event the specialist and the media blow it up so the doctor have nowhere to hide. Sometimes, "kill" the doctor life, strip their rank and the media made another bad things again, blow up unclear healing methods and make it god like treatment.
Where is the medical doctor ? We are just a scapegoat. when something bad happen we are the one who will be blame. The hyenas, when deal something they cannot handle -They know that- but they handle it anyway, they blame the doctor who took care the patient before they do. The specialists, in certain condition blame us when something bad happens to their patient "You lack of experiences" they say, or "Do you know your role ?"   Well, that is just another sad story of medical doctor in this country. what about government ? I don't know which side our government was, but their rules press us hard. Maybe the government don't know what is looked like to catch an illness ? Well, who knows ...

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