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Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Crucified King

In this Easter season I try to read something that I have think about all these years, relativity. I used to think that all things were relative. There is no absolute things and all value are range. After years passed by and I become wiser. I now think that there is something absolute in this mortal world, an ideal. An ideal will be an ideal if not being brought in a real life as a way of life, as a guidance, but sometime in real life, the ideal absolutism was corrupted by the one who embraced them because sometime the ideal itself would crush their follower.

Like the journey of the sun, there will be a sunrise and sunset for everything, that is a Law of Great Truth in Buddhism. All religion will vanquish from this world someday, and there will be immoral men and women on top of it, spreading blasphemy and wrong ideas about this world and eventually there will be someone that we call prophet again someday and found a new religion. There is endless cycle of it and human usually tried to preserved everything whatever it takes. They sometimes corrupt the ideal itself so it can be preserved in a text or religion's ritual or anything and eventually it lost its value someday, forgotten.

I learned in a Christian school for almost 20 years, so their teachings were carved deep in my heart as deep as my buddhist identity and somehow make me understand a value of an ideal. Jesus has an ideal that God save everybody that need, He didn't want to be a salvation for a tribe or two, but the world itself, furthermore he didn't come to liberate a tribe that didn't attempt to liberate themselves. In His era, Jesus dealt this kind problems. He did his work and eventually He was crucified and died by the one he wanted to save, the minority of society that searched a salvation and a king to liberate them that days because they knew that they will not liberated if they are not attempted to, they expected some miracles like in the old testament and they were disappointed by Jesus, so they rejected him and make him as a scapegoat of political issues that time.

Are you ready to shoulder the same cross as His cross and denied yourself ?

To settled the most urgent issues in your life and carry on your ideal what whatever it takes ?

BTW, Happy Easter Guys !!


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