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Saturday, March 3, 2012

7 Deadly Sins

There is a lot of movies that tell us story about seven deadly sins, and sometime the protagonist must cross some hellish place or situation to atone their sins one by one. That kind situation is really exist. When we were child we often heard seven deadly sins (pride, greed, lust, envy gluttony, wrath, sloth). But none of us each day realize that we fall into it even in slightest part. But we must realize too that sometimes, our friend, brother or our best friend even did it, there is nothing bad happen to them, even good things happen to them. On the contrary while we never did big scale of that sins, we get something unpleasant too often than them.

Why did this thing happen to me ? They have done it further than I did, but there's nothing happen to them. Well, I can afford you simple answer for this, a concept of kamma. Sometime their good kamma still protect them so, there's nothing happen to them, but someday, in the far future, when the bad kamma become mature and the good kamma become obsolete, something unpleasant will happen. so there is a saying in ancient China, When people make a good deed, even the good things are not coming to them, the disasters are going further from them, but when people make a bad deed, even disaster is not coming to them, good things is going further from them.

So, what are we going to believe  ?

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